1080 Portfolio Collection
Support Infrastructure
The supplies and services needed to keep the day-to-day operations of an organization going.
Online transfer
of text, voice, and/or video messages.
Email emanates from one computer or
device and arrives at another computer.
Managing emails effectively is important.
Why do people HATE email?
The most common reason,
it makes them feel overwhelmed,
under accomplished and defeated.
More people using email than social media.
It is a known fact that you are
more likely to obtain a
sale through an email
than you are through social media.
Free, Fast, Cheap, Accessible,
easily Replicated & Global
All online transactions
require email validation
(a type of digital social security number)
Information can be sent
& received in Real Time
(keeping people well informed)
Email Statistics
Consumer Behavior & Usage
333 Billion emails sent / received daily (2022)
4.4 Billion worldwide users by end of 2024
3.4 Billion fake emails sent each day (phishing)
1.8 Billion active Gmail users
90% of Welcome emails are opened.
80% of marketers would select email vs.
social media marketing
80% email usage among ages 18-29 | 30-49
76% of US adults used email or messaging
services to communicate
75% of marketers say that personalization
boosts engagement.
58% Apple iPhone email client market share
45% of email traffic is Spam
35% of emails are left unread
31% millennials checks personal emails
multiple times per hour.
28% Gmail email market share
26% Gen Z checks personal emails multiple
times per hour.