New England

Largest self-reported ancestry groups in the six
New England states. Data from 2000 census.
Rudulphus de Bracie and Adulphus de Braci were with William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hasting and received charters of English lands. Charter to Rudulphus occurs in 1080, his son William held Wisterton, Chesshire, England; and the first mesne lords of the Manor, who bore its name and continued til the time of Henry VI, are conjectured to have been the elder male branch of his descendents. The younger, who continued to be called DeBracy "was connected with the Parish soon after the Conquest, and has a share in the manor which they alienated before Henry VI" – Ormerod.
"’Adulfus de Braci, filius Bwerne, nepos Osberti Martell,’ as he is styled in the Registers of Croston Abbey, Leicestershire and Melton Priory, Yorkshire, to both of which he was a benefactor, occurs in Domesday only as the ‘foreigner’ holding Croxton. He gave in the cannons of Sempringham some large possessions in Normandy." – Nichol’s Leicestershire.
Three Audulf or Auduls de Bracey, presumably his descendants, appear in Shropshire during the two ensuing centuries. The first Audulf, in the time of Henry II, received from his kinsman, William Martel, the manor of Meole, since Meles-brac or Meole-Brace; and held Eaton in Bedfordshire by gift of King John. His daughter Mascelina was the first wife of the first William de Cantilupe. Robert de St. John, second Baron of Basing, 28 Henry III, married the daughter and heiress of William de Cantilupe. Audulf II was a benefactor of Dunstaple Prior, as his father had been before him; and had a long lawsuit with Roger de Mortimer, who unsuccessfully contested Meole. The Fits Marine Chronicle calls Audulf de Bracy his cousin and implies that he shared hos exile in Little Brittany in 1201 – Eyton.
Audulf III occurs 1267-1280, and had apparently succeeded John de Bracy of Meole, who was dead before 1262. Robert, perhaps his son, living 1272-1306, married Maud, one of the daughters and co-heirs of William de Warren of de Blancminst (Albo Monastero), murdered about 1260. He abd his wife granted their share (a third part) of Whitchurch-Warren to Fulco le Estaunce and his wife Alianor (perhaps their daughter); "the latter to restore the premises to the Grantos for their lives, to hold by payment of a roseorent, and by render of all capital services." There is mentioned in 1333, Ralph Bracy, vicar of Meole.
In the year 1436, the name was spelled Braa’se although still pronounced ‘Braccie". In that year we find a John Braase of Doverdale, County of Worcester, England, who married Margery Power and had a son John Braase, who married Isabel, daughter of Sir Humphrey, Stafford, Knighted, and had Robert, who married Isabel, daughter of John Stormey. The son from this union, William of Doverdal, Worcester County, seems to have been the first who spelled his name Brace. He was living in 1505 and also in 1549. He married Jane, daughter of William Whytton of Whytton Salop. He died before Sept. 17, 1560, leaving issue as follows: William of Droitwich; John of Tearnell House; Lewis; Phillip: and Elizabeth, each of whom married and had children.
Robert De Brassy, sheriff of Cheshire in 1301-1305 was witness to the Cheshire deed of Robert de Lostok to Thomas de Lostok. Also witness for Thomas de Goestre to Robert Le Grosvenor between 1297 and 1307. Also, witness to a grant of 10 acres of land in Torporlegh as concerned William, aon of Walter de Torporlegh to Henry, son of Matthew de Hulgrave – this was in 1304. (Ancestor, V.A. pp. 133, 134, 144, and V.6 p. 39) Bracy is in Roll of Bartell Abbey.
Bracey, Thomas, from Wilaston, Cheshire, England, arrived at Chester (Upland) in 1682. He appears to have been a man of means and of reliable integrity was a member of the Society of Free Traders, and at a meeting of that society held at London on the 29th of May, he was placed at the head of a committe of twelve to reside in Pennsylvania and manage the affairs of the society here. He was a member of the first Provincial Assembly held in Philadelphia in 1683, and doubtless took a part in that held at Chester previously. But notwithstanding the public trusts with which he was charged, he found time to give constant attention to the meeting of the Friends, of which he appears to have been a highly respected member and an esteemed minister. He made a settlement in the upper part of Chester township, but in his latter years lived in the borough. He died in 1691, leaving two daughters to survive him, Rebecca, who was married to Thomas Thomson of New Jersey, and Mary, who became the wife of Francis Worley. Thomas Bracey had suffered distress of his goods in his native country for preaching the gospel and for absenting himself from the national worship.
Name of Brace and Bracey and Bracy are found in Probate and Town Records at Hartford, Connecticut in one or more cases where the name Bracy is used in the body of the deed and signed by the name of Brace, which renders it more difficult to give the line of Henry Brace.
Stephen Brace of Hartford, Connecticut, as well as William Brace of Doversdale, England, spelled his name Brace but pronounced it as Bracey. Church and town records relating to his family show both forms of spelling. Nor have the centuries entirley succeeded in changing the more melodious French pronunciation to the harsher English. John Sherman Brace, from whose ‘Brace Lineage" I , Lucy Brace, have copied much of the first two pages of his notes says: "While the final ‘y’ has been for the most part dropped, its use is still continued, especially by descendants of a Massachusetts branch of the family. In our own branch, it also survives the ages. A gentleman who occupies the office next to my own, often affectionately addresses me as ‘Bracy". The name has been borne by men in every walk of life who have risen above the mediocre. By men who have achieved success in the professions and in the commercial, industrial, and political life of the Nation.
Reverend John Bracy or Bracie married Aug. 4, 1631 to Phebe Bisby of Bigsby whose last name is alos given as Besbridge, eldest daughter of William Busby of London, England and who purchased property for her and her children, located in Wetherfield, Connecticut. She later Married Samuel Martin and they occuoied this property along with the Brace children. This property is referred to, under her son John and son Thomas’ names. In 1661 the children were of age or married and deeded their rights in the property to their mother and stepfather, Samuel Martin. On Dec. 6, 1683, Phebe was appointed to administer upon her second husband’s estate.
Rev. John Bracy died Jan. 19, 1709. The first settlements by the family in the New World were in the Connecticut Colony. John Bracie was possibly this man’s name because the first American Historian, Cotton Mathers, in connection with the seating in the meeting house says: "Rev. Mr. Bracey and wife had seats assigned them". There was a clergyman connected with Branford Church who remained in this country but a short time and then returned to England. This clergyman may have been Mr. Bracie. Charles E. Banks, Mss. In Library of Congress writes: "Rev. John Bracey is the name of an immigrant from English Parish of Wooten, Bedfordshire, England to New Haven, Conn. John Bracie came over in 1642 as did also this man and settled in New Haven, where first he, with prefix of respect, sat down in 1644". He was given a prefix of "Mr.", and honor in that distant accorded only to persons of wealth and prominence.
Colonial records of New Haven County, V2, p. 139, show that a Mr. Bracie in July, 1647, took the oath of Fidelity. John Bracey was deeded land in New Haven, Conn. On Aug. 3, 1647, and on October 5, 1647, John Bracey deeded to others various tracts including his home lot. Records contain no further mention of him. Whether or not he left descendants in the New World is unknown as it is not at all certain that this is the same man as Rev. John Bracy, but the dates seem to coincide correctly. He is believed to have returned to England after disposing of his land.
Issue: John Bracey, born 1638 in England; died Jan. 19, 1698 in Wethersfield, Conn. Baptized Sept. 5, 1649 in New Haven, Conn., and was from London and Maulden County, Bedfordshire, England. Married about 1677 to Anne (Pearce) Carmichale. Tailor by trade and an irrepressible drafter. In York Deeds, Bk. 5, Pt. II, Folio 14, it states: " John Penwill presents John Bracy for a common liar", and in Folio 117 it states "County York, in presentments agreed upon and brought in by the Grand Jury Jan. 4, 1697/8 to ye court of Sessions at York ‘we present John Bracie for cursing’", and in Folio 117 it states: " County York at a Court of Sessions held at Wells July ye 5th, 1698 before Samuel Wheelwright, Samuel Connell, William Pepperell and Abraham Preble, Esq. His Majesties Justices of Peace in ad. County. John Bracy being summoned to appear at the court to answer a presentment of the Grand Jury exhibited against him for cursing. And this court being made sensible that he was not capable to appear, is sentenced to sit in Ye Stocks at York bot exceeding three hours. Mr. Deynell & Lt. Preble to see ye execution done within one month of ye Day hereof and he is to pay fees of Court 5s." John lived discredited in York about 25 years.
William Bracy married 1-Mary Marston, 2-Penelope Day, and 3-Mary Rylance.
Constant Bracey married John Morray.
Phebe Bracey
Stephen Bracey or Brace married Elizabeth
Stephen was born about 1644 in England and came from London that same year. Died 1724. Married Elizabeth _________ who survived her husband 32 years.
Stephen Bracey or Brace dropped the ‘y’ yet did not change the pronunciation and spelled the name Brace. He was in Hartford Colony in 1660 and in Swansea, Mass. In 1667 and back in Hartford in 1669. In 1675 he lived in Hartford on lot 13, on Charter St. It is recorded in V 14, p 174, #184 of Connecticut Historical Societies that he pruchased land of Nathaniel Willet on Dec. 15, 1675. In the Hartford, Conn. Vital Records p. 362, it states"another parcel of land in Hartford on Conn. River beloged to Steven Brace and his heirs forever Dec. 23, 1673". On p 281, same book, it says "Steven Brace witnessed the signing of a deed, dated July 1685." In early Conn. Probate Records, V I, Hartford District 1635-1770 by Manwaring, p. 74, "an amount of the second Tier of Lotts. Beginning at Windsor Bounds #70 to Samuel Steele, bounded north by Bevel Waters and south upon Steven Brace, Chains 4, link 06. #71 to Stephen Brace bound north upon Samuel Steele and south upon Richard Gilman. Chains 4, links 03" (p193, same bk. Copied from Probate Records on p. 182) Court Record, p. 162 "1 st March, 1676-1677: Adms. To Stephen Bracy.
He later lived near Little River in Hartford where he died in 1692. He owned land at Rocky Hill, Great Meadows, and other places including his Padaquank lands. His name occurs signed to an article that was drawn up at a town meeting and it states"We whose names are here underwritten, do freely upon our admission to be Inhabitants of this town of Swansea, assent to the above written agreement, made between the Church of Christ now meeting here at Swansea, and Capt. Thomas Willet and his associates, as the said agreement is specified and declared in the three proposals aforewritten, with the several conditions and explanation thereof concerning the present and future settlement of this Township. In witness therof, we have hereunto subscribed." This original page is numbered in pencil—Swansea Town Meetings 1667-1718, p. 18—and on p. 14 of Swansea Town and Proprietor’s Records 1670-1718 it states: "Stephen Brace, for not performing the condition of his grant, the grant is by the Townspeople the 12th of Sept., 1679, declared void." (At the beginning of this paragraph, Stephen’s name was written as Stephen Brase.)
Stephen I is credited with settling in Hartford, Conn. About 1669. The absence of a more definite date is better understood after a review of the early history of Hartford. Its first settlement was made in 1653 when the Dutch built on what is still called Dutch Point, a fort which they called the House of Hope. Here they maintained a fur trading post until 1654, when the fort was siezed and the Dutch driven from the Colony. In 1656, Thomas Hooker and Samuel Stone, two influential clergymen of Cambridge, Mass. Led their congregations through the wilderness and after two weeks’ journey, reached the Conn. River, which they crossed on rafts and settled near the fort. The settlement was first called Newtown, but the next year was named Hartford. From this it will be seen that the town in 1669 was little more than a frontier settlement in a land where few existed.
Jamestown, Va., the first English settlement in America (1607), had been settled within the memory of men then living, and Plymouth less than 50 years before. Six years would elapse before King Phillips Indian War would be fought and 23 years before so-called witchcraft a Salem would cause a reign of terror in her sister settlement. Early settler took little care to preserve personal records or even those of the community. The solving problems of the present kept the pioneer too busy to concern himself with the future. Documents, lists, and memoranda, which would serve, if preserved, as excellent records of the times, would often be destroyed as soon as they served the temporary purpose for which they had been prepared. It s therefore fortunate that enough records survive to enable us to fix a approximate date of Stephen’s settlement.
Church and town records have both forms of spelling the last name of this family, and the Mass. Branch of the family still continues to use the form of ‘Bracey". Swansea, Mass., which in 1675 was to become the scene of a horrible Indian massacre, was incorporated in 1667.
It was, however, settled at an earlier date. Little is known of Stephen’s residence in Swansea; grant of land to him there was revoked, possibly after his departure from the town. Hartford, Conn. Attracted many settlers from Mass. Towns. A greater degree of religious toleration was enjoyed there, the soil
Was more fertile, a new country—beckoning, attractive, and hospitable. The early history of the town, like the rest of New England, was unusual for three reasons: its settlers came to seek religious freedom from an intolerable condition in England; they came with no hope of gain from the middle classes of society, originally exchanging comfortable homes for the dangers, discomforts and privations of the wilderness; and they were of English blood in which no other strains mingled for nearly 150 years.
Stephen Brace well represented this history—he was of Norman English blood, was a man "of good estate" and was a Puritan when Puritanism was in full flower.
In May, 1682, the General Court allowed "Steven Bracey fewer pounds to be paid him by the Treasurer for a horse of his which was formerly prest from him and lost in the County Service." Colonial records of Conn., V 3, p 103. While he was often described by others thus as Bracey, apparently in an attempt to spell the word as pronounced, in the more carefully worded deeds, his name appears as signed to his will—Stephen Brace. In some of the notes, it states that Stephen Brace’s widow, Elizabeth, gave in 1710, a deed of land in Hartford to her son Henry and daughter Elishabah Bliss and signed her name Brace. Inventory of the estate of Elizabeth, widow of Stephen, was made Dec. 1, 1724, her youngest son, Henry, was administrator. This shows she survived her husband 32 years, which fact, couple with the comparative youth of herself and sons in 1692, would be additional argument to support the theory that at least the wife of Stephen was born about the year 1644. Widow Bracy is mentioned thus: Two men were chosen a committee "to view a piece of land adjoining to Widow Bracy’s lot in the woods and if it be not above an acre she is to have it given her and if it is above, they are to make Report to the town at the next town meeting." (this was on p 232 and on p 208)—of same book is the following: "Jan. 14, 1683 This meeting by their vote agreed that Stephen Bracy should have a proportion of the land at the rear of thayer lots down from thayer lots that are in the way to Rocky Hill down to the River that is to say each man his proportion of that land at the rear of his lots according to his proportion of number of acres in his lots."
Issue: Elishabah Brace married Samuel Bliss III, son of Thomas and Margaret Lawrence Bliss—he was one of
Their 10 sons and was the third to be named Samuel and called Samuel III—the other two died when young. Elishabah was Samuel’s third wife (her sister Elisabeth was his second wife). His four children were by his first wife. Elizabeth Brace married Oct. 3, 1705 to Samuel Bliss III as his second wife.
Ann Brace
Stephen Brace II born about May 2, 1672: died March 28, 1755. Married 1-Hannah Lane or Law on March
30, 1701; 2-Sarah ________ who died on Nov. 5, 1750—"a good woman".
John Brace born 1677,; died Dec., 1787, aged 110 years. Married Feb, 22, 1705/6 to Mary Webster – born
And baptized Sept. 29, 1688; died May 3, 1741. Mary, daughter of Jonathan and Dorcas (Hopkins) Webster, was granddaughter of Lt. Robert and Susanna (Treat) Webster and Lt. Robert Hopkins,
And great-granddaughter of Governor John Webster and Governor John Hopkins. Gov. Hopkins was the fifth Col. Gov. of Conn. from 1656-58. John Brace removed late in life to Harwinton, Conn. There, on Oct. 12, 1762, administration of hos estate was granted to his son, Jonathan, who
Gave bond of 100 pounds for the faithful performance of his duty. John had four sons and three daughters.
Henry Bracy or Brace married Ann Collier of Colyear on Jan. 20, 1706, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth
)Sanford) Collier—Ann was baptized 1687 and died July 13, 1768. She had married Jonathan Sedgwick on Aug. 6, 1757. Henry Bracy died in 1751. Issue: three sons and eight daughters.
Stephen II was not yet of age when his father made his will which named him as one of the executors—his duties to be effective "when he cometh to be of age." As the custom has long been to settle an estate in one year from date of death of testator, it is presumed that on Aug. 3, 1692, Stephen II was 20 years of age and therefore was born in 1672. He inherited the homesteadm the meadow and lands at Rocky Hill and Pattounk. He lived in Hartford near Rocky Hill, was a felt maker and left what was in that time considered a large estate.
Among original documents in archives at Conn. State Library, mention is made under date of March 8, 1696 of Stephen Bracie in a controversy concerning an acre of land at Rocky Hill.
On May 11, 1715, he was made one of the first 51 proprietors of North Tolland. On that date, trustees appointed for that purpose by the General Assembly, deeded for settlement to 51 prominent, a township six miles square, called Tolland. It was bounded on the South by Coventry and on the East by the Willimantic River. Stephen II conveyed his portion of these lands by deed and will, to four of his sons. In May, 1724, his name, Stephen Bracy, appears in Document No. 180, concerning land in Tolland for Church use.
In Vol. V, Document 238d, showing grant of land of about 155,903 acres to 200 or more inhabitants, dated May 23, 1729, appears the name of Stphen Brace, with amount set opposite his name 100,000 pounds. His name also appears in other documents, deeds, church and town records,showing him to have taken an active part in the affairs of Harford, Conn. In early Conn. Probate Records VIII, p. 529, it states: "Court Record. P. 98—May, 1749, Inventory exhibited by Stephen Brace, Jr.
Issue: Stephen Brace III baptized Feb. 21, 1702.
William Brace I born 1706; baptized Aug. 11, 1706; married Jemima Parker.
Sarah Brace- baptized April 27, 1707.
Daniel Brace- married Frances Edwards on Oct. 16, 1730.
Joseph Brace
Elizabeth Brace- married Samuel Holliday.
Nathaniel Brace- married Katherin Roberts.
Sarah Brace- married ______ Burlison.
Abigail Brace- married 1- ______ Knickerbocker; 2- Jacob Curtis.
Samuel Brace
Benjamin Brace
Ruth Brace- married _______ Edwards.
John Brace- married Deborah _______
William Brace I was born 1706; baptized Aug. 11, 1706 married Jemima Parker—born Aug. 18, 1701, daughter of John and Mary (Jones) Parker, Jr. and granddaughter of John Parker, Sr. and Lt. Samuel Jones.
William served in the French and Indian wars as a private in Campaign of 1760 in 7th Company under Capt. Eldad Lewis, in 2nd Regiment commanded by Col. Whiting. Served also in Campaign of 1762 in 1st Company and Regiment under Captain and Major-General Phineas Lyman. Discharged in March, 1762. In same Campaign served in 2nd Company under Captain and Lt. Col. Israel Putnam of Pomfret. Received discharge on Dec. 14, 1762. Issue: four sons and 2 daughters.
Issue: Levi Brace
Timothy Brace—in the Census of 1790 of the USA, Derrt Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
William Brace II of Vermont. Born 1740/50. Married 1. Hannah Mills; 2 Ruth _____; 3. Mary Moss. Died in
Rochester, NY, in 1820.
William was a Revolutionary soldier and pioneer and Lieutenant. In Vol. 65 of the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, the Boat Section tells of Emigrants from England. Port of Whitehaven, 15th to 22 nd of May, 1775, records sailing of William Brace, musician, from Duffries on Ship Tyar to Jamaica, New York to follow his trade. ????????????
He was appointed Second Lt. In Captain James Hadlock’s Company in the 14th Regiment (Hoosick and Schaghticoke) of Albany County, NY. Militia, commanded by Col. Peter Yates. In Vermont in 1779 (NY Archives). Certificate No. 23123 for 15 shillings, 10 1/2 pence, (date burned) was issued to William Brace for services as Lt. In above Co. and Reg. (Certification of Treasurer, manuscript records, V. 5) His name also appears on an Abstract of Pay and Rations due. On March 4, 1780, Certificate No. 23981 for 1 pound, 6 shillings, and 3 pence, dated May 23, (year burned) was issued to William Brace for services as Lt. In Captain James Hadlock’s, Col. Peter Yates Regiment of Albany County Militia. "Col. Peter Yates and his regiment of Albany County Militia in the service of the USA on different alarms and excursions." This abstract was audited Oct. 29, 1824, and shows No. 6, amount of William Brace’s payroll, 74 pounds, 15 shillings, and 8 pence. (From records in Adjutant General’s Office, War Dept., Washington. DC.). Col. Yates’ regiment was recruited from the District of Hoosick and Schaghticoke, then part of Albany County. Presumably then, William Brace resided in that part of the state.
The first USA census in 1790 shows him in Cambridge, NY as head of a family consisting of himself, wife, three sons under and two sons over 16 years of age, and five daughters. Cambridge had been organized March 12, 1772, as a district in Albany County. It became a town in 1788 and as such was annexed to Washington County in 1791. His place was on both sides of the Owl Kill near a place called St. Coyuch, and was originally part of the Hoosick Patent. This land, William Brace, Yeoman of Cambridge, and his wife, Ruth, Dec. 31, 1795, conveyed for consideration of 1500 pounds to James Hay of Cambridge. He was still described Oct. 24, 1796, as "Yeoman of Cambridge" in conveyance of one half interes of 170 acres of land in Hebron which he and Donald Fisher held in their possession. Other land in Town of Kingsbury was conveyed Sept. 20, 1798, for consideration of 520 pounds. About this time the family removed a few miles to Sandy Hill, the present city of Hudson Fall, NY. Here he lived many years and later removed to Rochester, NY.
As stated above William Brace II married 1. Hannah Mills; [Note from JMT - Mills may have been an earlier married alias with own surname as Cook] 2. Ruth _______; and 3. Mary Moss. He died in Rochester, NY in 1820. Mary Moss is presumed to be the mother of Samuel because Samuel’s son, Theodore, has the meddle name of Moss. Theodore is the father of Arthur whose daughter is Lucy , the compiler of these notes.
Issue: Stephen Brace—Born 1778; died 1808; married 1797 to Chloe Burnham (b Jan. 10, 1774; d June 2, 1852)
Who was a sister of Rhoda who married Stephen’s brother, Bannister. Stephen was drowned by going over Glen Falls, NY, while lumbering on a raft of logs. These falls were described in John Sherman’s book "Brace Lineage" as: "The falls is not a heap or mass of water. The Hudson, confined and interrupted in its course by rocks, glides through their midst, forms cascades, whirlpools, foams, becomes enraged, menacing, terrible, then rushes towards the sea."
Issue: Polly Brace—born May 28, 1798.
Thomas Brace-born on May 28, 1800; died on Aug 17, 1868 at Plattsburg, NY. Married Mary
Day, daughter of Rufus Day, on Feb 17, 1830.
Issue: Five sons and two daughters.
Samuel Brace—born about 1780. Maried Nancy _______. (Records destroyed in Plattsburg fire in 1900.
Issue: Two daughters and three sons whose names are known and other children whose names are
William Brace III—Born Jan. 25, 1785; died Feb. 10, 1872. Married 1. Nancy Harkness on March 18, 1807; [Settled in Springfield Township]
2. Polly Furman
Issue: Seven sons and five daughters.
Bannister Brace—born 1772; died 1856. Married about 1797 to Rhoda Burnham.
Issue: Five sons and five daughters. Some of their grandchildren are living in Eagle River, Iowa
And Astoria, Oregon.
Elizabeth Brace (Betsy)—Married George Clinton Webster.
Issue: Six girls and three boys, all born in Bath, NY.
Anna Brace—Married ________Drew. Lived at one time in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Issue: One son who lived at one time in Royal Oak, Michigan.
Timothy Brace—Born in 1787, married Temperance Niles. Located at the juncture of Tioga River and Mill [Settled in Rutland Township]
Creek at a point about two miles south of Tioga, Pennsylvania.
Issue: Four daughters and six sons.
Thomas Brace—born in 1788; died in 1879. Married Rachel Collins at Tyrone, NY. Thomas was in the War
Of 1812.
Minerva Brace—Born in 1792. In the Muskegon County Museum (Muskegon, Mich.) is a sampler made by
Minerva, and it is as follows. "This sampler made by Minerva Brace, aged 12, Jan 8, 1804." It was
Very neatly done.
Hiram Lyman Brace—Born in 1799. Married 1. ______ Bowen; 2. Ruth Vroom; 3. Mrs Tabitha (Pawling)
Sansum, a widow.
Issue: Five sons and five daughters.
Harvey Brace—Born in 1801; died in 1876. Married 1. Hannah Thurston Thompson; 2. Cloe Ann (Lasell)
Ammerman, a widow of Isaac Ammerman.
Issue: Two daughters and two sons.
Samuel Brace was born about 1780 and married Lucy Nichols. Not much is known about this couple other than that they lived in Plattsburg, NY , and we know that their son, Theodore Moss Brace, was born in that city. All records of Plattsburg before 1900 were burned up in a fire. (More info contained in another Brace Narrative)
Issue: Amanda Brace—Married 1. John Curtis and 2. _________ Bartholmew. One daughter by Mr. Curtis ``` (Minerva Curtis-who married Col. J.S. Cooper, a Chicago lawyer) and 4 children by Mr.
Bartholomew. She died Aug. 1, 1869, in Detroi, Mich., where she either had been visiting or had moved to since Dec. 25, 1862, moving from Ypsilanti, Mich. She had been in ill health a long time, but had become seriously ill five weeks before her death. Her son spent two weeks withher but as she seemed to be improving, he went back to his business in Quincy, Ill. He and the rest of her children were telegraphed and were there for her funeral. Mrs. H.E. Cadman of Kalamazoo was the writer of the letter to Theodore Brace, brother of Amanda. She was buried in Elm Wood Cemetary in Detoit, Mich., according to that letter. On going to that cemetary, the complier (Lucy Brace) can find no record at all of her burial, Three babies and a man were the only ones buried on that date, and Mrs. Bartholomew’s death is not recorded at all in the month of Aug, 1869. (Another narrative places her burial on Aug. 1, 1860, at Elmwood Cemetary in Detroit.)
Issue: Minerva Bartholomew
John Curtis Bartholomew—On a battlefield, John wrote his mother a letter from Helena, Ark.,
Dated Nov. 20, 1862. He said he had become a Christian, and it seemed then as if her
(Amanda’s) work on earth was done—this was in a letter to Theodore Brace.
Alfred Bartholomew—sailed on a ship called the Anna Fowler in 1855. This ship never made
England as no record of it was found in the year 1855 and no word was ever received
from Alfred.
Nancy Brace—married James McKinney/McHenry of W Chazey, NY. Issue: Arthur McKinney/McHenry.
Minerva Brace—died young.
James Brace—born Oct. 7, 1803 at Sandy Hill, NY ; died Dec. 16, 1899. Married 1. Julia A. Cooper
(b. April 13, 1812; d. May 6, 1837) on Oct 10, 1830; 2. Eunice Cook (b. Dec. 16, 1808 in Ft. Ann, Washington County, NY; d. Feb. 27, 1872) on July 6/8, 1841. James lived in Altoona, NY, about 1875 when his nephew, Arthur E. Brace, recalls visiting at his Uncle Jame’s home and whil there, two prisoners escaped from the Auburn Prison and hid in Jame’s barn.
Issue by Julia: William Brace—presumed to have died young.
Lafayette Brace—born June 30, 1832; married Mary Kelly; he died Jan.6, 1901.
Phillip Brace—born May 15, 1834; died Feb. 5, 1835
Erskine Brace—born Aug. 4, 1836; married Sarah Davi on May 1, 1862.
Issue by Eunice: Julia A. Brace—born July 13, 1842; died June 29, 1859.
Adeline A. Brace—born July 13, 1842; died June 29, 1859.
Lucy J. Brace—born Jan. 23, 1847, in Clintonville, NY; died Jan. 7, 1903, in Bellows
Falls, Vermont; married Ralph Reynolds on Oct. 11, 1881. Ralph Reynolds
Had an aunt, Lucy Hooker Reynolds, who married a William Brace in 1832.
Issue: Nettie or Mattie Reynolds who was given a State Scholarship to Vermont Univ.
In Burlington, Vt. In 1902.
Helen Brace—born Jan 12, 1849, in West Chary, NY; married Eli Rand on Sept. 30,
1874, and lived in Bellows Falls, Vermont.
Issue: Gertrude Rand
Charles Brace
William Brace—born in 1805 and died in 1894; married Ruth M. Lyon (b. 1812; d. 1882).
Issue: Three sons and two daughters (details later).
Theodore Moss Brace—born Feb. 20, 1815/20, at Plattsburg, NY; married Charlotte McArthur (b Sept. 27,
1822) on June 22, 1846. He followed the lumber industry most of his life, and in 1846 was at
Portage Du Fort, Quebec Province, Canada, and operated a saw mill at the base of the Cheneux
Rapids. The mill operation was called Brace & Drew Lumber Co. and his partner’s name was
Mark Noble Drew who had a son Rev. Albert H. Drew. On June 22, 1846, he married Charlotte
McArthur of Scotch descent. She probably was a descendat of the McArthurs who migrated from
The Scotch Isle of Islay in 1738 and settled with several hundred Scotchmen at Greenwich, NY.
Many of these Scotchmen migrated into Canada during, and shortly after, the Rev. War. In 1876
Theodore was in Castleford, Ontario, and later that year he moved to Muskegon, Mich., during the
Lumber boom days of that city. He died there on July 20, 1896; his wife preseeded him in death
On June 25, 1894.
Issue: Twelve sons and onedaughter. The daughter was the seventh child and live only six weeks.
Arthur Brace of Muskegon is the thirteenth child in the family and the only one living in 1954.
William Brace was born in 1805 at Sandy Hill, NY (now called Hudson Falls) and died in 1894. He married Ruth Lyon (b. in 1812; d.in 1882) on May 20, 1839, in Waterbury, Vt. His son William Lyon Brace wrote: "Father lived in Peru, NY, for 15-20 years but moved to Southfield in Oakland Co., Mich, in 1854. In the 1840’s, father and his brother, James, ran a freight schooner on Lake Champlain, NY. Father lived for a time bear Farmington, Mich., and in about 1900 one of his daughters ran a Toll Road Gate near Farmington.
Issue: Minerva Lucretia Brace—born May 15, 1840; died before 1878 according to Mrs. Leonard Brace, who said
she often Minerva’s name mentioned after she became a member of the family in September
of that year. She never married.
Persons Henry Brace—born Sept. 1 or July 1, 1841 at Port Jackson, NY,; married Evaline Stiles (b. Jan 14, 1851 at Bristol, Ind.) on Jan. 18, 1871, at Lathrop Mo and lived in St. Joseph, Mo. Died on June 7, 1911, and was buried in Lathrop, Mo.
Issue: William James Brace—born on Nov. 22, 1875, in Lathrop, Mo. He was educated in Grammar school. He was an office boy and order clerk for the John Deere Plow Company in Kansas City, Mo., from 1895-1902. He was a Traveler, an Assistant Manager for the Kingman Moore Implement Company, Brace Motor Company in Kansa City, from 1912-1929. He was Chairman of the Board from 1929-1931. He was Operating Receiver for Cleaner Combine Harvester Corp. in Independence, Mo. He was Chairman of Hudson Brace Motor Co. He was active in bond drives, Community Chest, and charitable organizations. Clubs: Kansas City Hills Country Club, Big Foot Country Club (Wisconsin). Hobbies: Golf and fishing.
Issue: Betty Jane Brace
Robert Brace—married in 1905 to Mildred White.
Fred Persons Brace—born on Jan. 10, 1884; died on Feb. 3, 1898, in St. Joseph, Mo. (year of birth
and death not sure about; original narrative had birth 1894 and death 1878)
Clayton Henry Brace—born on Aug. 21, 1886.
Hal Brace—born on April 2, 1893.
George Brace—born in 1893; died in 1935; married Viola Kaiser on Oct. 15, 1915..
Issue: William Brace—born in 1922; died in 1936.
Mary Jane Brace—born Dec. 16, 1843. Married Horace Stevens.
William Lyon Brace—born Aug. 8, 1845; married Anna Stakable or Stackpole in 1887. They lived in Redford Twp., Wayne, Mich.
Issue: Alice Brace
Dolly Brace
Winifred Brace—married Theodore A. Brown. Lived in Detorit, Mich.
Ruth Alice Brace—born on Nov. 19, 1847; married Theodore Blumberg on Nov. 15, 1869 at Birmingham,
Leonard Walton Brace—born Dec. 1, 1848/9; died Feb. 4, 1932; married Leona Chase (b. July, 30, 1859.
Born Dec. 1, 1848/9 and married Leona Chase and lived in Flint Mich. Died Feb. 4, 1932 in Grand Blanc, Mich.
Leona Adelaide Chase was born July 30, 1859, and died Feb.?, 1948 in Saginaw, Mich. Both are buried in Grand Blanc Cemetary in Grand Blanc, Mich.
Issue: Frank Elmer Brace—Married Emma Klingbell _____; died of drowning. Emma was living in 1958 with
their son.
Issue: Donald Brace—born ?; married 1. Marion and 2. Josephine Magrabi of Cairo, Egypt.
Issue: Jack Brace—by Marion
Brian Brace—by Josephine
Brent Brace—by Josephine
Daughter—by Josephine
Julette Brace—born ?; maried Harold Stiles
Issue: Harold Stiles, Jr.—born ?
Joan B.Stiles—married Richard Rybick
Issue: two girls
Myrtle May Brace—born on Feb. 26, _____; married Thomas Colladay
Issue: Robert Harold Colladay—born in 1909; married Betty Strong
Issue: Kae Jewel Colladay
Robert Colladay
______ Colladay
Raymond Collady
Jack Brace Colladay—born in 1911; married Edythe Redden
Issue: Thomas Colladay II
Claude Harold Brace—born on Nov. 27, 1891 in Detroit, Mich.; married Mildred Elizabeth Roach on Sept.
23, 1920, in Flint, Mich. Claude died March 1, 1977, in Houston, Tx. Mildred was born May 23, 1897, in Mayville, Mich. And died Sept. 1, 1976, in Houston, Tx. Both are buried in Forest Park
Cemetary in Houston.
Issue: Kenneth Walton Brace—born on Sept. 2, 1921; married Doris Ann Norton
Issue: Peggy Jo Brace—born on July 4, 1944
Michael Norton Brace—born on Aug. 15, 1946
Timothy Lane—born on Nov. 23, 1951
Douglas Alan Brace—born on Feb. 2, 1925; married Camille Marie Thomas on Oct. 27, 1950 in
Saginaw, Mich. Moved to Houston, Tx, soon after, to go to work as a pilot/mechanic
with Kenneth at Humble Oil.
Issue: Thomas Alan Brace—born Aug. 15, 1951, in Houston, Tx.; married Sally Moore Benson
(b. Feb. 28, 1953 in Houston) on Aug. 30, 1974; moved to Amarillo, Tx, in
Feb., 1975 (petroleum geologist) and moved to Azle, Tx., in Oct., 1981.
Issue: Jeffry Alan Brace—born Oct. 7, 1978 in Amarillo, Tx. Graduated as high
school valedictorian in 1997 and currently studying pre-med at
Baylor University.
Jessica Polk Brace—born Aug. 4, 1980 in Amarillo, Tx. Currently studying
Pre-med at Texas Tech University.
James Edward Brace—born April 28, 1954 in Houston. Married Karen Clonninger
Issue: Jason Edward Brace—born
Kelli ______ Brace—born
Debra Ann Brace—born Jan. 6, 1958 in Houston. Married Jerome GiGulio
Issue: Jamie _____ DiGulio—born
Jodie _____ DiGulio—born
William Paul Brace—born Jan. 21, 1967 in Houston.
Ruth Isabel Brace—born on Nov. 21, 1898; married Jack Stuart. Ruth died July 10, 1958; Jack died in 1956.
Issue: Dorothy Stuart—married Don McCarthy
Issue: Sandra Kay McCarthy
William Brace Stuart—married Wilma Gaines
Issue: Jack Stuart
____ Stuart
Nancy Stuart
(Compiled by Lucy Brace of Muskegon, Mich. Before 1960)
(Edited by Thomas A. Brace in 1999)