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Blacks Law Dictionary
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1. That which is...established.
A system...


...erudite (having or showing great knowledge);
versed in the law (of the system).


The difference between “knowledge” and “belief”
is nothing more than in the degree of certainty.


In contracts. The quality of being specific, accurate, and distinct.
A thing is certain when its
essence, quality, and quantity
are described, distinctly set forth, etc.


The want or absence of knowledge.

Color of Law

The appearance...without the substance, of legal right.

Under Color of Law actually conflicts with the law.

Law of Land

The collection of traditions, customs, statutes,... 
that apply to everyone, including the government...

Natural Law

A rule of conduct arising out of the natural relations
of human beings
, established by the Creator...

Organic Law

...constitution, of a state or nation, written or unwritten;

Common Law

...a body of rules and principles, written or unwritten
which must be
applied to controversies rigorously...
cannot be modified to suit the peculiarities of a specific case...

Corporation Law

...the laws that govern the formation and the activities of corporations....

By Laws

...the internal rules of a company or organization.

State Law

...Legislature passed and signed into law 
by the governor in one of the 50 states

International Law

...the rights of independent nations during war or peace times...

Maritime Law

...sea or seaport bound actions
conducted and
commerce transacted...

Commerce and traffic between different peoples or states and the citizens... including not only the purchase, sale, and exchange of commodities...


Goods, wares, and merchandise of any kind;
movables; articles of trade or commerce.


...exchanging commodities...
or the business of buying and selling for money;
The business which a person has learned...

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The 5 Most Famous Laws in the World

Wilson's Law

If you prioritize knowledge & intelligence,

money will continue to come.

Murphy's Law

The more you fear something happening, the more likely it is to occur.

Kidlin's Law

If you write a problem down clearly and specifically, you have solved half of it.

Gilbert's Law

When you take on a task, finding the best ways to achieve the desired result is always your responsibility.

Falkland's Law

If you don't have to make a decision

about something, then don't decide.

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