SC State Capital | Revolutionary War Painting
This battle (1775 - 1783) was initiated
by "delegates" from the 13 colonies
(MA, NH, CT, RI, DE, NY, NJ, PA, VA, MD, NC, SC, GA)
in "congress" against Great Britain
over the objection to Parliament's Taxation
policies and lack of Colonial Representation.
[Kershaw] where more than a dozen fierce Revolutionary War battles raged approximately two centuries ago. In 1732, English traders and farmers moved to the area from the Charleston coast...considered the oldest inland city (Camden) in the state. The county (Kershaw) was created in 1791 from parts of Claremont, Lancaster, Fairfield, and Richland counties.
In 1758 Joseph Kershaw, the “father of Camden,” established a store on Pinetree Creek, a Wateree tributary.
Located on the path between Charleston and the Catawba Nation, Kershaw’s store was a convenient place to collect and process local produce, especially wheat, before it was forwarded to Charleston.
Here the village of Pine Tree Hill developed as a milling and trading center.
Within a decade the thriving settlement was renamed in honor of Charles Pratt, Lord Camden, a champion of colonial rights, and a formal plan was drawn up to guide development.
In 1791 Camden was the second town in the state to be incorporated by the General Assembly.
During the Revolutionary War, British troops under Lord Cornwallis occupied Camden for nearly a year during their campaign to subdue the backcountry.
Among those imprisoned by the British in the Camden jail was the young Andrew Jackson.
Two major battles were fought near the town: the Battle of Camden on August 15–16, 1780, which saw a disastrous American defeat; and
the Battle of Hobkirk Hill on April 25, 1781, in which the victorious British suffered such heavy casualties that they withdrew from Camden a few weeks later.
The evacuating British destroyed much of the town, including its jail, flour mills, and several private homes.
Prosperity increased as the area’s plantation economy grew, based on cotton and slave labor.
Anxiety arose briefly among the white population in July 1816 when an alleged slave insurrection was uncovered.
Seventeen slaves were arrested and tried as ringleaders in the conspiracy, five of whom were convicted and executed.
Besides free whites and African slaves, a sizable free black community was present among the Camden citizenry by 1830.
The prosperous town entertained George Washington in 1791 and the Marquis de Lafayette in 1825.
Other arrivals helped the town progress further.
The Bank of Camden was organized in 1822, and a branch of the South Carolina Railroad reached Camden in 1848.
War Forts & Outposts
SC Election Districts Map
War Forts & Outposts
Reminder - in 1800, the South Carolina General Assembly abandoned the term "county" and all existing and new counties would be identified as "districts," combining judicial districts with election districts. The term district, in lieu of county, continued in South Carolina until after the Civil War.
During 1800, the Liberty District was renamed to the Marion District.
The Charleston District (equivalent to a county) was established, but it was not considered to be an "election district." Instead, seven (7) of the existing parishes, as shown above, continued as election districts to represent Charleston District.
The Colleton District (equivalent to a county) was also established, but it too was not considered to be an "election district." Instead, four (4) of the existing parishes, as shown above, continued as election districts to represent Colleton District.
The Beaufort District (equivalent to a county) was also established, but it too was not considered to be an "election district." Instead, three (3) of the existing parishes, as shown above, continued as election districts to represent Beaufort District.
The Orangeburg District (equivalent to a county) was also established, but it too was not considered to an "election district." Instead, three (3) of the existing parishes and districts, as shown above, continued as election districts to represent Orangeburg District.
The South Carolina General Assembly also created Barnwell District and Orangeburg District (equivalent to counties) in 1800, but they did not change the names of the existing election districts at this point in time.
The Sumter District (equivalent to a county) was also established, but it too was not considered to be an "election district." Instead, two (2) of the existing districts, as shown above, continued as election districts to represent Sumter District. Interestingly, Claremont County and Clarendon County were both abandoned (as were all counties), but they retained their "election district" status for years to come.
In 1855, the South Carolina General Assembly resurrected the old Clarendon District (was a county in 1785 to 1800) as the equivalent to all other counties (still called districts), and it retained its "election district" status, and it was no longer considered to be a subset of the Sumter District.
Sumter District was now comprised only of the Claremont "election district." In 1856, the District Seat of Sumter District was moved from Statesburg to a new town, aptly named Sumter Court House.
The old overarching Pendleton District was now only considered in the SC Senate, with a single Senator representing this district. The Anderson District and Pickens District were now their own "election districts" with their allocated delegates representing each district in the SC House of Representatives.
Sumter District, South Carolina
Mills, Robert, 1781-1855.
Boykin, S. H.
Created / Published
- Sumter County (S.C.)--Maps, Manuscript
- United States--South Carolina--Sumter County
1790 | 1st U.S. Census
1790 Census
William & Sackfield Bracey
[Brothers: see Virginia page for additional details]
1800 Census
William Bracey
1800 Census
Sackfield Bracey
[b1756 - d1807]
Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather
1810 Census
Mary "Polly" Bracey
[Mother of Sackfield Bracey | Wife of Randolf Bracey]
1810 Census
William Bracey
[Brother of Sackfield Bracey]
1820 Census
Lucy Bracey(wife) | Mary Bracey (mother)
Sackfield Bracey
1820 Census
Lucy Bracey
[b1768 - d1850]
1830 Census
Washington Bracey
Son of Sackfield & Lucy Bracey
now appears with 20 people listed as slaves
1830 Census
Washington Bracey
1840 Census
Lucy Bracey | 32 slaves
Washington Bracey | 7 slaves
1840 Census
Washington Bracey
1850 Census
Washington Bracey
[Now has 2 children]
1860 | 8th U.S Census
Pg 14, #5. Indians & Pg 15, #9. Color [below]
1860 Census
Washington Bracey
1870 | 9th U.S. Census
Pg 10 Color [below]
1870 Census
Washington (father) & James (son) Bracey
identified as [ I ] Indian (1860) census.
James identifies as [M] Mulatto (1870) census
( the [ I ] Indian option no longer available) ,
and [W] White (1880).
At 27 & 29 James is expecting his
4th & 5th child from Elizabeth.
At 28 James "Jim" Bracey was expecting (or not)
his 1st child (Israel Bracey) from Sylvia "Slave"
[prior slave owner Wm H Bracey].
Henrietta would have been pregnant at 11 by 16 year old James [see above [1870 census].
James is married to Elizabeth by 1880. Elizabeth would have been pregnant with their first child at 20 (by 21 year old James).
[Sylvia's last name is listed as Frasia on the death certificate of son Isreal Bracey]
The information provided on Isreal's death certificate (1926) is provided by Isreal Jr. to the best of his knowledge at that time
(15 years after Sylvia's passing).
Birth Register
Sylvia Bracey
[b1853 - d1911]
1880 Census
! 1890 Census !
[Most of the 1890 census population schedules were badly damaged
by a fire in the Commerce Department Building in January 1921.]
1900 Census
1910 Census
[Wife: Mary's name is misspelled "Motley", the document indicates married
16 years consistent with the prior ten year census which indicates 6 years]
1920 Census